100% control over the school library and the right book for every pupil

School library app for primary and secondary schools.

Works on any laptop, iOS and Android device.
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Can you effectively motivate children to read more?

Reading is only effective when they read a book that fits their world of experience, reading skills and interests.

Letting them choose without support does not work

Many schools do provide reading promotion lessons, but forget that students still have to learn which books they like themselves.

  • Students find it difficult to express their interests.
  • Teachers and students do not know which books are in the library.
  • Students lose the pleasure of reading, because they often choose a book that does not suit them.
Zelf boek kiezen

Traditional systems are not designed to increase motivation

The only thing it provides is that you know which student has borrowed which book and when.

  • Sticking barcodes and 'processing' the books is extremely time-consuming.
  • These are quite complex systems that you have to train yourself to work with.
  • Books can only be borrowed if a librarian or volunteer is present.
Traditioneel uitleensysteem

Our unique properties

Why schools choose the School Library App.

  • Designed for schools

    Most library systems are designed for libraries, hence don't suit schools. Our app does not utilise a serial number barcode and can be set up fully flexibly. This speeds up the inventory process and makes the library available to all. It also works on all devices.

  • Locate books quickly

    The large quantities of books make it hard for teachers to find them. Our book database allows searches by title, author, series and 900+ categories. To maximise use of the collection, teachers can quickly find the suitable books for lessons or reading aloud.

  • Personal book tips

    Many pupils don't know which novels they like to read. Teachers can urge pupils to choose books more carefully by measuring reading behaviour. The school promotes and purchases books based on reading trends and the app gives pupils personal book tips.

User experiences

What others say about us.

"Thanks to the School Library App, we have not only been able to get our school library in order, but we have also created a thriving reading culture in which pupils really enjoy reading. Our pupils' reading skills and reading pleasure have increased. With the help of the app, our teachers can now give better reading advice. In addition, the support we have received has been truly fantastic and they have always helped us to get the most out of the app."

Emin Bas, teacher and reading coordinator

"The School Library App is an instrument that allows you to monitor pupils' reading behaviour, but also provides an easy way to get a grip on your book collection and give pupils ownership of their book choices. It is easy and quick to use. It used to be difficult to help a pupil find a suitable book, but with this app you can better manage this. With insight into reading behaviour, you can have a conversation more easily."

Dave Busch, school principal

"The library is no longer cluttered and everyone can easily find the right books. The pupils really enjoy indicating which page they are on and seeing how many books they have read. I think that is probably what I enjoy most. That they are happy because they see “Oh look at all the books I have read.."

Janneke Kelderman, teacher and reading coordinator

"Pupils have learned to choose their own books, so we hardly have to guide them anymore and that saves a lot of time. They love to keep track of their progress and then they see ‘oh, do you have this book, because I see that you…’ that is a lot of fun. It infects each other. In short, a well-organized library, time savings and motivated pupils."

Judith Hup, teacher and reading coordinator

"We wanted to improve our reading education, because teachers noticed that pupils' reading motivation was low. We now see, in combination with the new reading method, that pupils are more motivated to read and have therefore started reading more, thinking about it more consciously and getting better book tips. And where I used to need an hour to go through all those shelves to prepare the themes, I am now done in ten minutes."

Gitte Jacobs, teacher and reading coordinator

"Started with the School Library App within two weeks together with Tom. The app gives pupils and teachers insight into their reading behavior. The ease of use is fantastic for everyone. Reading is made fun in a fun and easy way! If adjustments are needed in the app and/or questions about use, there is a quick response. Are you looking for an approach to stimulate pupils to read, then contact them as soon as possible."

Thomas Hardie, coordinator broad school

"The School Library App helps to make pupils enthusiastic, because they see what they are reading and receive advice on what they can read next. It gives us a simple insight into the collection and the reading behaviour of pupils. Much more has been read since the change in our complete reading education. The pupils who already liked to read, they do read anyway, but the pupils who find reading difficult, they were actually doing other things and now I see my entire class reading."

Yvonne van Westen, teacher and reading coordinator

"We now know exactly which books we have and where they are. It has become much clearer. We can now also search specifically based on a theme. The pupils are enthusiastic and read more than before. They choose much more consciously, are more involved with it and take more ownership of what they read. They like logging in with the QR code, they like searching, they know the more I let the app know about my reading preferences, the more the app can help me."

Marianne Verouden, teacher

"We like the School Library App very much. The pupils can easily find a book that suits them and in this way they read more diverse books. With an iPad, Chromebook or telephone scanning is easy and you don't need any extra expensive equipment for that. The support is fast and helpful."

Marieke van Slooten, reading coordinator

"Thanks to the School Library App, everyone knows which books we have in the library and we finally have a good insight into what the pupils are reading. Careful monitoring increases the pupils' reading pleasure. It's great that pupils can also put books from home on the reading list."

Loes Mantel, teacher

"We have been working with the app at our primary school since this school year. The bookcases are very clear thanks to the labels and make it even easier for the pupils to find a suitable book. It helps the volunteers and support staff to help the pupils choose. We are very enthusiastic about working with the School Library App and certainly recommend it to schools that want to visualize their collection and want to follow and guide their pupils in their reading behavior!"

Anneke de Gier, school principal

"Stijn and Tom have immersed themselves in primary education from a completely different direction and have acquired all the knowledge and experience about reading education. In doing so, they have exposed the pain points and found a solution for them. It is great to see how the School Library App can be a solution for stimulating the reading experience of our pupils. Highly recommended!"

Bjorn Danen, deputy school principal and ICT coordinator

"We use the School Library App. It is a very user-friendly system, for administrators, teachers and chirldren. With the app, we have a lot of insight into our book collection and the reading behavior of the pupils."

Simon de Heus, teacher

"The connection that this young company makes between data-driven software and goals that we have to deal with in primary education in the domain of 'reading' is admirable. Our team was set in motion by it!"

Ludovic van Mierlo, school principal

More than a 100 schools already use the School Library App

We started in The Netherlands in 2021 and are now ready to provide it to the rest of the world.

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  • Easy to use

    Works on any device with Google and Microsoft SSO

  • Flexible setup

    Works for every library situation to be imagined

  • Saves time

    Advanced search engine thats saves everyone time